These guys are known for their dream-pop tunes which draw from the heavier and textured sounds of shoegaze.

One half of American duo Asobi Seksu, Yuki Chikudate, lets Terry Ong in on what’s going on her head and various influences before their much-anticipated gig here.

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

Probably a dream that inspired the lyrics of the song “Nefi + Girly.” The dream was literally filled with dead kittens covered in flowers, sickly smells, and buzzing bees. It was great to turn a terrifying nightmare into a positive uplifting song.

What’s your guilty pleasure (in terms of music)?

There's so much to draw from. At a Halloween party I just went to, I sang along and danced my heart out to Madonna’s “Like a Prayer.”

What’s your guilty pleasure (in terms of everything else)?

Sugar, fried food, bad TV like the original Beverly Hills 90210, taking walks in the afternoon on a weekday, and not feeling guilty about any of it.

How has your mood changed over the years and how is that related to the slight change of mood in the music (from dark to light)?

I'm getting happier! I don't know if that necessarily has affected the mood of the music but it's affected my approach for sure. Maybe that comes through in some way.

What is your songwriting/working process like together with James Hanna? James and I do individual work and work together. It's highly collaborative between the two of us—always has been.

What are you listening to now?

Lots and lots of girl groups, as well as 50s and 60s rock and soul tunes, like The Shirelles.

What are your other influences?

I love and respect films by Werner Herzog, Woody Allen, So Yong Kim and Bradley Rust Gray, artworks by Gerhardt Richter, books by Haruki Murakami, just to name a few.

What can we expect at the gig?


Asobi Seksu Live in Singapore happens Nov 27, 7pm. Zouk, 17 Jiak Kim St., 6738-2988. $56-65 from


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