Guys, we've been waiting for this video to be released since we saw it at the Pink Dot 10 press conference last month (May 22). It was the first one shown then, but, the organizers decided to push it out after Hari Raya (for obvious reasons). It’s also the one that really got us wiping our wet, tear-filled faces at the end (did we mention Boo Junfeng was sitting right beside us?).



In this video, Faiz, a masculine-identified female shares her story of what it was like to grow up in a Malay-Muslim family, recounting the times where she'd often play with brother in a longkang as opposed to playing with dolls like her sisters. Even when she was young, and without the knowledge of what LGBTQI was, she knew she was different. She also shared a heart-breaking anecdote of having gone through a potentially fatal, life-changing experience, how she survived it, as well as providing a safe home for anyone who’s been displaced by their own families. 

Directed by screenwriter and director He Shuming, who isn’t a stranger when it comes to Pink Dot videos (he worked on 2016’s campaign featuring AJ and his mother Honey Bee), this is one which is heartfelt, beautiful and reaches straight for your soul. Pink Dot 10 has really kept in line with growing a bigger community presence this year, focusing the videos on the on-going challenges by LGBTQI individuals and families. If you've missed the first two videos, check em' out here.

We are ready. Are you? Pink Dot 10 will take place Jul 21 at Hong Lim Park.